Wake up Canada, you’re being played for fools.

Well Stephen Harper and his trusty side kick Lyndon “The Lizard of Oz” Crosby, are managing to do it, and Canadians like the good little lemmings they are, will follow him right over the cliff. The Niqab, it has to be the most ridiculous election issue this country has ever had and that’s just the […]

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Lyin’ Brian, then Deceivin’ Stephen, now Two-faced Tom.

Some might consider this to be an attack against Tom Mulcair, however, I will justify this position because I am pointing out issues about the man who wants to be our next Prime Minister. Justin Trudeau has stated that “this campaign will not be about hair or beards” I am not questioning Tom Mulcairs’ demeanor […]

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A letter from Germany about the Syrian Refugees

When this election campaign began, no one, least of all Stephen Harper ever expected the Syrian Refugee crisis to become part of our national conversation. Harper and the Canadian press had managed to ignore a problem that was not new and despite the hundreds that were drowning in the Mediterranean, North Americans managed to continue […]

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